Neu: Halide - RAW Manual Camera

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C. F.
  • Admin
  • Forum-Beiträge: 778

14.02.2019, 19:51:28 via Website

Jetzt bringt Halde bei Fotos im RAW-Format noch bessere Fotos:

Halide 1.12 helps you capture better photos with two big improvements.

Smart RAW is now even smarter. We use machine learning to optimize exposure in Auto mode to improve the dynamic range and further reduce noise. We call it Smart RAW v1.5. In one user's words, "Grain has practically disappeared."

We've added a color histogram, to help identify when a single color channel is about to be clipped. No more muddy, washed out roses! To toggle between color and luminance, just tap the histogram. If you want to read more about this and how histograms work, be sure to check our latest post at
