Und hier noch sein Abschiedspost mit einer Vorschau auf v18
Dear PhoeniX N7100 Users,
I think it's time for the "Goodbye post".
This ROM was started one and a half years ago > with android 4.1.1. Remeber that time? Are there anyone who uses this ROM from the begining ?
Yes, it is hard to believe, but I give my Note II to my father next week. Which means that V18 is the last version for Note II (Of course if there are bugs I will release an OTA to fix them, don't worry about that).
PhoeniX ROM got & will get the following Androids:
- 4.1.1
- 4.1.2
- Where is 4.2.2?!?! (Dam sammy haha)
- 4.3
- 4.4.2
I had really good time with you all! We had Note 3 features without the need to buy a Note 3, we will have in v18 S5 features without the need to buy S5(Although I upgraded to S5 )
Thank you all for making this ROM one of the best in Note 2 section, for being loyal and always waiting for PhoeniX Updates.
The numbers speak for themselves:
This number is based on downloads from:
- d-h.st
- androidfilehost
- xdafileserver(which got closed)
- Torrents(in older versions)
I will miss this section alot And will always take a look here
But hey, cheer up, V18 is coming very very soon, and here is a little teaser:
— geändert am 14.05.2014, 20:15:32
Viele Grüße,
OnePlus 3 (Resurrection Remix 5.8.2)
LG G Watch
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