alejandro 4


Level 4 100 Punkte bis zum nächsten Level
Erhaltene Daumen hoch 3
Kommentare 12
Beiträge 0
Eingeloggte Tage 26

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Kommentar 18.03.2018 (+10 Punkte)
Kommentar 06.01.2018 Ordering pizza on WhatsApp: A bad idea or next big thing? (+10 Punkte)
Kommentar 04.12.2017 The OnePlus 5T is selling like hotcakes. Would you buy it? (+10 Punkte)
Kommentar 04.12.2017 The OnePlus 5T is selling like hotcakes. Would you buy it? (+10 Punkte)
Kommentar 04.12.2017 When cheap phones can do everything, what happens to flagships? (+10 Punkte)
Kommentar 12.11.2017 It's official: Samsung's Galaxy S9 is out (+10 Punkte)
Kommentar 12.11.2017 To jack or not to jack: all about smartphone audio (+10 Punkte)
Kommentar 21.08.2017 Facebook and WhatsApp broke their promise to you (+10 Punkte)
Kommentar 20.06.2017 No, you don't need a smartphone with a removable battery (+10 Punkte)
Kommentar 25.04.2017 Camera comparison: Moto G5 Plus vs Samsung Galaxy S7 (+10 Punkte)